XAIA Credit Basis II

Performance in %
2010-01-11 -
0.00 %

> Distributing share class
> Reinvesting share class
0.00 XAIA Credit Basis II
96.93 Month high
96.78 Month low
As of 2025-02-10
ISIN LU0462885483
Currency EUR
NAV 96.93
Offering Price 99.35
Redemption price 96.93
Change from previous day +0.03 EUR / +0.03 %
Fund volume (Mio. EUR) 541.35
Performance cumulated annual
1 month +0.42 % n.a.
6 months +2.62 % n.a.
Year to date +0.51 % n.a.
1 year +4.86 % +4.86 %
3 years +10.58 % +3.40 %
Since launch +33.69 % +1.94 %
Risk measures
Risk class 1234567
Volatility (p.a.) 0.81 %
EuroStoxx50 TR-Index -0.01
iBoxx Crp TR-Index +0.08
iBoxx Sov TR-Index -0.01

Investment strategy

XAIA Credit Basis II will profit from market discrepancies between cash instruments and the price for protection against default, so called negative basis. The investment universe consists of government bonds, corporate bonds, convertibles, tradable loans, ABS and structured bonds. Credit, interest rate and currency risks inherent in these instruments are most widely eliminated using the corresponding hedging techniques. Through active management of the basis, the fund targets an outperformance over 3 Month Euribor net of fees.




Master data Distributing Reinvesting
Fund type Mutual fund (UCITS IV)
Currency EUR
Fiscal year 01-01 until 12-31
Use of income Distribution Accumulation
Launch date 2010-01-11 2013-09-02
Front load
Minimum initial investment EUR 0,00
Unit value calculation On every banking day in Frankfurt and Luxembourg
Management fee 1.30 % p.a.
Performance fee None
TER (Total Expense Ratio; excl. performance fee) 1.47 % p.a.
(2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31)
0.87 % p.a.
(2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31)
TER (Total Expense Ratio; incl. performance fee) 1.47 % p.a.
(2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31)
0.87 % p.a.
(2023-01-01 until 2023-12-31)
Redemption fee until 2011-03-30: 1.00 %
from 2011-03-31: 0.50 %
from 2012-03-31: 0.25 %
from 2013-03-31: 0.00 %
Public distribution in Germany, Austria, Luxembourg
As of 2025-02-10 Distributing Reinvesting
ISIN LU0462885483 LU0946790796
Currency EUR
Offering price 99.35 1,237.63
Redemption price 96.93 1,237.63
Change from previous day +0.03 EUR / +0.03 % +0.50 EUR / +0.04 %
Fund volume (Mio. EUR) 541.35
Distributions Distributing Reinvesting
Income distribution as of 2024-12-09 -
Ex day 2024-12-10 -
Value day of distribution 2024-12-13 -
Amount of distribution (EUR) 4.00 -
TID - Taxable Income at Distribution (EUR) 4.00 -


Latest information

> Re-Opening for new investments (23.03.2023) [in German only]

> New non-dividend-paying share classes (20.08.2013)

> Investor notification (28.11.2012) [in German only]



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